Self-Care Sunday Rituals

Sunday is my favorite day to reset and take time for myself. Here are some rituals to start the new week on a fresh start.


Wether it means sleeping in until noon or just sitting for a couple hours reading a book, I like to take it slow on Sundays, do one thing at a time and really be present with each of the activities I choose to do. I also like to go to bed early so I don’t start the week on Monday already feeling tired.


I love doing a deep clean on Sundays so the house is clean and organised for the week. Since I work from home, I find my productivity being affected by how clean and tidy my space is. Plus, it’s another task I don’t have to worry about during the week. Cleaning my apartment and doing the laundry are on the list, but cleaning can also mean clearing up your personal thoughts with a meditation practice, some yoga stretches, or even just taking a bath.


Last thing I do on Sundays is to plan the week ahead. I like to check my Apple calendar and bullet journal to see how my week looks like and add any additional things that need to be done or scheduled. This helps me having an overview and leave some free space for social time, extra tasks that may come up or spontaneous adventures with friends.

How do you like to spend your Sundays?

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