Books I Read | Spring 2021

Long time no see!

I thought it really was time for an update of some sort and why not start with the books I’ve been reading this season?

As you may know, the last few months have been eventful and although I am definitely reading way less so far this year, I still got to finish a couple great books over the end of Winter & Spring.


The Sun and Her Flowers - Rupi Kaur

The first book I read was the famous poetry book by Rupi Kaur called The Sun and Her Flowers. It was beautifully written and really hit at the perfect time in my life. I still find it a bit harder to get fully absorbed in poetry, certain things will resonate and other less. We relate to words instead of fiction characters, which is beautiful in its own way.

Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find - And Keep - Love - Amir Levine

This book was amazing, I cannot recommend it enough. It really helped me see certain patterns in me and others around me differently. Definitely brought light onto compatibility and incompatibility. More so, it gave me perspective and awareness regarding love, attachment and relationships.


13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do - Amy Morin

I really enjoyed reading this book. Some chapters didn’t fully resonate or felt a bit simplified but overall it was a pleasant and easy read with some great insights. Would recommend it to someone who’s new to self-help books as it is one that is very easy to digest.


Awakening Loving-Kindness - Pema Chödrön

This one is hard for me to fully remember as so many things happened in my life at the same time I was reading it. I did really enjoy it and will definitely read it again as I believe it’s the type of book that will hit you differently depending on when you read it. This one is also definitely more spirituality oriented than so called “self-help” book, it’s a slightly different style and something that goes on and on with a daily mindfulness practice to fully benefit from.

By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept - Paulo Coelho

The first fiction book I read in 2021 and really loved it! I read so much fiction last year I think I missed it and this one was great. A lot of beautiful teachings and food for thoughts in this book - which is not surprising from this author. The only thing I didn’t fully adhere with personally in this book was the frequent reference to religion and God - but of course, this is very personal and everyone can enjoy the book whether they are religious or not in my opinion.


Love, Freedom and Aloneness - Osho

Latest book I read while I was in Mexico and really really enjoyed it. Definitely one of my favorite since the beginning of the year. I haven’t read any other Osho books and can’t wait to get into more. This one talks about the difference between Love and Lust. How to attain Freedom, alone and in relationships. It share interesting perspective on relationship dynamics, parenting and sex. Finally it talks about finding happiness in aloneness and the difference between aloneness and loneliness. A beautiful book!


What have you all been reading so far this year? Any favorites? Leave all your recommendations in the comments below!

Chloé Kian