monthly checkin | September 2020

September is almost over and so is the Summer season. I really have a hard time believing it’s over already yet, it felt very long this year. Maybe due to the fact we were in Bali for a month last Winter and by the time we came back mid March we were already swimming in the lake almost every day. Maybe because of quarantine, maybe because I still did so much this Summer and enjoyed this time as much as I could.

From boat parties with friends to solo hiking adventures, I really didn’t miss an opportunity to spend time at the lake or in the mountains. September was a full month of hiking, trail running and solo adventuring and I wish I had started earlier this Summer. But hey, that’s what we always say no?

Spending time alone really empowered me and nature really grounded me. All in all, going to the mountains alone was the best thing I could have done for myself this month, and I am so grateful that I had the freedom to do so.

It’s the last week of September and as Fall is coming, I set the intention to practise more yoga in the upcoming months. I am currently getting ready to spend a week in Greece at the Soulbreeze Yoga Retreat and I really can’t wait to get deeper into my practise. Let October be a full month of inner work through meditation, yoga and reading. What are your intentions for this Fall

This is probably one of my favorite video I’ve ever created so far. Recap of my time alone in the Swiss Alps and running the epic 31km trail race of Sierre Zinal.