2021 intentions

Hi everyone!

I took a break from the blog in the last two months and I am ready to get back into it now. I can’t wait to hear what you’d like to see on here as well so feel free to leave ideas and suggestions in the comment section.


Today, I’d like to set & share my intentions for the new year. So here are a few things I’d like to work towards in 2021:

  1. bring meditation back into my routine and meditate every day even if it’s just 5 minutes

  2. journal and write my thoughts every night before going to bed

  3. cycle & hike more this year compared to last year

  4. invite my family over more often and spend quality time together

  5. renew the office space

  6. dedicate time for reading everyday

  7. learn how to make fermented foods like kimchi & sauerkraut

  8. create videos that represent me and that I am excited of sharing

  9. write on the blog at least twice a month

  10. launch the Bewear podcast season 2

  11. go on a solo trip

  12. attend a yoga retreat

What are your intentions for 2021?

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