monthly checkin | October - November 2020

Time to recenter and let go…

I took some time off in the mountains last week and it was such a great decision. It was so refreshing spending days in nature hiking and trail running, reading books, cooking with my friend Tessa and watch the snow fall with a warm cup of tea.

I’m not sure if Mercury in Retrograde had a role in it all but I definitely felt lost for a couple weeks. I wasn’t able to think straight, I got distracted and was only able to follow my spontaneous intuition and nothing else. Which in itself I believe is great and we should do that more. But yeah, it was a little phase of readjusting and although I feel a lot more calm and settled now, I’m still not quite 100% there yet. I mean, the COVID situation in Switzerland has gone terrible and as safe as I am working from home, it’s all a little scary.

My grandfather also passed away this week which was a little bit of a shock and it definitely hurts. Spending time at home and with the family these days to process everything and work is the last thing on my mind at the moment. So if I haven’t gotten back to your email, message, DM, now you know why. Thank you for your patience with me.

I got to see my grandpa last week and we had such a great conversation and laugh. He was the most funny and positive old person I’ve ever had in my life. And all I will keep is the wonderful memories and moments of joy we’ve had together.

Very grateful for all the people I have in my life right now. You know who you are.

Photos by Sven McCall

Chloé Kian