Life Update & Summer Books 2021

What a hectic Summer!

The inconsistent weather was very representative of the shifts I experienced internally over the last three months. I cannot remember a more emotionally overwhelming Summer than this one. I was so excited to spend long days napping and reading at the lake, instead it was more like this: work, long car drives, unexpected turns and emotional rollercoaster.

Definitely not what I had expected. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed a lot of time in the mountains and hikes with Ross and our two spontaneous road trips to Germany (more about this another time).

Moving back to Switzerland with Ross in May was intense to say the least. Having him there brought a lot of light on unconscious patterns I had been operating from. It also brought a lot of light onto my own inner state and my relationship with my environment. It was like a firm and long slap in the face. It took some time for me to detach from my own ego and attachments in order to see the situation for what it truly was: “I no longer want to live a city and maybe not even in Switzerland”.

During all Summer it was clear that I was still often operating as an autopilot of my old habits - it created resistance. That resistance is what made the start of the Summer so tough. But as I took more time to prioritise my wellbeing and inner peace, it became easier to be fully honest with myself about what I wanted and what no longer served me.

Throughout the Summer I read a few books that really stuck and helped me in and through this transitional phase of my life.

Awareness - Anthony De Mello

This book truly was amazing. The first punch in the face I needed to get started. It was clear, straightforward and easy to digest. I loved how honest and upfront the author was in this book. The first step to change and growth is awareness.


A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle

I read “The Power of Now” a few years ago and it really stuck with me at the time. I really believe that reading the Eckhart Tolle’s books is a question of good timing. This one takes a little time to get into fully unless you are already quite aware and willing to dig into the world of the ego work. The Ego, this is what this book is about. The ego is the one “we believe we are and the one we pretend to be”. It’s not “who we deeply are” - our true soul. This book will shine light on most if not all the unconscious patterns, reactions and appearances of your ego. It’s truly amazing and eye-opening. The only critical point I’d have of this book along with “The Power of Now” is how unpractical they are. Eckhart had an immediate spiritual awakening which makes sense he doesn’t share much about how to practice the teachings from his books. I personally believe that for not all but most people spiritual awakening doesn’t just fall on their head like a lightning. For most of us, living in consciousness and awareness requires dedicated daily practice. Regardless of this remark, I enjoyed this book thoroughly and would recommend it to anyone who’s ready and willing to really see themselves and the world from a new, more aware lens.

How To Do The Work - Dr Nicole LePera

Oh la la! This book truly was AMAZING and resonated with me SO MUCH! If you want to get started with your personal growth journey or pursue it, this book is awesome. Recognise your past trauma, your shadows, the core beliefs that were passed down to you and how your ego plays a role. This book gives you tools at the end of each chapter to write, journal, reflect and work on yourself through reconnecting with your inner child and eventually becoming your best self. This book is very practical with a lot of wonderful examples. Nicole shares about her experience as a holistic psychologist and what she’s seen in her patients as well as her own life experiences and challenges. This book really touched on the main aspects of inner work all in one place, it was very complete, practical and relatable. If you’re looking for one self-help book, I’d recommend this one 100%, the best one I’ve read in years.

how to do the work

Finally, I also shared more insights in this video: