Hello 2020: My Intentions for the New Year

As we came at the end of 2019, I started reflecting and planning new projects for the new year. 2019 was a huge year for me, both personally and professionally. I left Berlin after 3 years and moved back to Switzerland. I also graduated college with a Bachelor degree in Filmmaking. My YouTube channel exploded, I designed a swimsuit in collaboration with Lilja The Label, attended Paris Fashion Week, and took part in different talks and panels at NEONYT and The World Resources Forum with UNEP. And most importantly, I finally was able to make a living doing what I love the most thanks to you guys. I am beyond grateful for 2019 and although it was intense and stressful sometimes, I would not change anything about it.

So now you can imagine that after such an eventful year, it was hard for me to imagine how 2020 could be better that this. I had accomplished almost everything I ever wanted so far and I was exhausted from all the hard work I put in during 12 months. I also felt like 2019 was so rewarding that there could be no chance 2020 could be as successful.

I find it very easy to get caught up with new years resolutions and the crumbling pressure we put on ourselves to always achieve more, as if it never was enough. As if every year, every day we have to improve from the previous one. Don’t get me wrong, I love learning new things and putting myself new goals to achieve. But we have to relax a little. You don’t have to have it all figured out by January 1st. You have a full year to make it count. Inhale, exhale, and take one thing at a time.

Separate your goals into categories and then plan them for each quarters. This will prevent you from wanting to do it all at once. You will have more focus time for each goal and will be able to deliver quality and even enjoy the process.

Enough talking, now let’s get into my list of intentions for 2020!


  • read 1 book per month

  • learn urban gardening

  • get rid of extra possessions

  • organise my finances

  • learn how to do my taxes

Fitness / Mental Health

  • yoga once a week

  • ride 3,000km

  • run 1 trail race

  • journal once a week

  • meditate 3 times per week

  • hike more

  • no social media rule until 12pm

  • digital detox day once a week


  • create my own website

  • reach 200K on YouTube

  • grow my French channel to 50K

  • release my documentary

  • start a podcast

  • create my own planner and release it

I know this might look like a lot, but remember you have a full year. Some of these goals will obviously take more time and energy than others. Some I might not complete 100% and that’s ok too. It’s about having an intention and working towards something. It offers me direction and guidance to how I plan my days, weeks and month. It’s about starting no matter whether it will work or not. Try your best always.

Finally, if you need extra inspirations to plan 2020, I made this video guiding you through my bullet journal setup for the new year. It super easy and minimal, so grab your notebook and let’s plan together!