Roasted Veggies & Creamy Chickpea Salad

If you have any leftover veggies in your fridge, this recipe is for you! I used sweet potatoes, celeriac and zucchini but feel free to use any vegetable for this dish. It’s super quick, effortless and yet full of healthy nutrients.

cut sweet potato


  • 1 large sweet potato

  • 1/2 a celeriac

  • 1 zucchini

  • baby spinach

  • lettuce

  • 1 cup of cooked chickpeas

  • pumpkin seeds

  • rosemary

Creamy cumin salad dressing

  • 1 tbsp sunflower seed butter (tahini or almond butter both work as well)

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 tbsp cold pressed hemp seed oil (olive or sesame oil work as well)

  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 1 tsp ground cumin

  • salt & pepper

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Cut the sweet potato, celeriac and zucchini into big chunks. Put on a big tray along with salt, pepper, olive oil and fresh rosemary. Roast at 200’C for approx. 20 minutes. The cooking time will vary according to your oven and the vegetables you picked.

For the salad, put all the dressing ingredients into a large mixing bowl and whisk it until creamy. Add your baby spinach, chopped lettuce, chickpeas and toss until coated. Add the pumpkin before serving.

Plate the salad into a bowl and add the rosemary roasted vegetables along to it. Et voilà!

Rosemary Roasted Veggies & Creamy Chickpea Salad

Rosemary Roasted Veggies & Creamy Chickpea Salad