My intentions for 2022 & How I Organized Them

Reflecting on 2021

The start of a new year is a great time to reflect on what I want to bring into our life and what I want to release. But first, I took a few hours reflecting on 2021 before setting my 2022 intentions and here are the prompts I used:

  • 2021 was the year that I…

  • what worked in 2021 was…

  • what didn’t work in 2021 was…

Setting Intentions for 2022

In order to set up my intentions for the new year, I asked myself the following questions:

  • What type of woman do I want to be in 2022? How do I want to FEEL?

  • What are the actions I can put into place?

Organizing Intentions

Here is how I decide to organize my intentions and goals for 2022 in order to have a clear overview and realistic action plan:

  • Divide the intentions into categories (i.e. Personal, Professional, Spiritual, Financial)

  • Decide in which Quarter of the year each intention will be tackled

  • Take Quarterly intentions and spread throughout the months

This technique really helps only focusing on a few (I chose only three) intentions per month. It makes your action plan much more sustainable and narrows your focus.

I hope this post helps you in organizing your thoughts for the new year. Happy planning and intention setting for 2022!